Education is Key

A little note :-)

After I lost Piper, I dove into research on dog seatbelt safety. How could I be so obsessed with being a good dog mom, but have no idea I was supposed to buckle her up in the car? I thought I was pretty connected with the dog community.

I realize now, it’s because no one was talking about it. There weren’t conversations about dog seatbelt safety happening, no models of it on TV, no news report of dogs killed in car crashes, and no talk about it at shelters or veterinary practices. And that’s why here at Dogs Ride Certified, oh we talk about it.

We’ve sparked the conversation, and you can bet, it ain’t gonna stop. River, Piper’s little sister, is rocking the Sleepypod-Riding-Certified-kind-a-life just like you all are now. Shout out to Dr. Shoup, a vet who not only buckles up her own pups, but shares about certified seatbelts with all her clients. Shout out to Fidos for Freedom, who’s working to get their service dogs riding certified. Shout out to YOU, for spreading the message with friends and family members. Let’s keep it going!

Love, P, Piper and River

Out in the Community

Dog festival season has come to an end! Dogs Ride Certified won’t be at any more festivals through June 2024 as preparations for Piper’s Walk are underway. Check back for indoor community events in the Winter season.

Winter 2023-2024


Riding Certified Magazine

In 2021, Riding Certified E-Magazine was created to share stories of dog moms and dads who embraced the Riding Certified life, dog trainers and dog walkers who advocated for dog seatbelt safety for their clients, tips and tricks to help pups get accustomed to this new way of travel, and so much more. The magazine is still on a hiatus, but you can help bring it back to life!

If you believe in this magazine’s ability to change the way dogs travel in cars, let’s chat! Seeking sponsors from dog parents and/or small business owners whose dogs “ride certified.” Contact P at

Webinars & Podcasts

What doesn’t anyone tell you about buckling up and traveling with your pup? A whole lot!

From Facebook Lives to StreamYard to Zoom, webinars have been a fun way to get connected to dog parents from all over the country, and partner with new organizations. Check out past webinars and podcasts below.

3/14/22 Keeping Your Dog Safe in the Car hosted by Believe in Dog Podcast

5/8/21 Summer Trips With Your Dog hosted by Your Dog’s Friend

11/14/20 What No One’s Told You About Dog Seatbelt Safety hosted by Your Dog’s Friend

11/7/20 Find Out the Secrets They Never Told You About Dog Seatbelt Safety hosted by Fidos for Freedom

6/20/20 Summer Safety for Dogs hosted by Your Dog’s Friend

How You Can Help

Do you believe in dog seatbelt safety? Do you share the vision of a world where all dogs travel safely in cars?

Let’s work together to spread the message with veterinarians, pet stores, shelters, breeders, groomers, daycares, and anyone and everyone who loves dogs.

Would legislation be a goal one day? Absolutely. (If you know legislative things, let’s talk!)

But right now, it’s about educating the community, and taking action to change the way dogs travel in cars.

Which means you’ve got to be in the know.

Sign up to receive email updates from Dogs Ride Certified - that’s where we chat about all the dog seatbelt things, upcoming events, community projects, webinars, seatbelt clinics, etc. Little things turn into big things, so get involved!

Don’t you want to be a part of the history of dog seatbelt safety?